22.07.2008 02:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Fujitsu bumps Amilo 3540 to Centrino 2

Filed under: Laptops Fujitsu-Siemens's Amilo 3000 laptops have always been decidely stylish in their two-tone duds, and now the company's polishing them up a bit with new Centrino 2-based guts. First out the gate is the 15.4-inch Amilo Pi 3540, which features the new platform and NVIDIA GeForce 9300M GS graphics driving a display Fujitsi-Siemens claims is dramatically better than the industry standard. There's also a spill-proof keyboard, silent mode, and a 15-in-1 card reader. Europe only at the moment, should be out in August starting at £69

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