21.07.2008 23:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Steve Is Going Well, Thanks You.

Source : New York PostFollowing the keynote, many websites (including us) were a bit worrying about Steve Jobs' health, but we did not want to pursue after one source told us that he was fine. And this topic went down as the iPhone-mania was rocketing up. However, New York Post decided to launch again the story, quoting reports from analysts and Disney Executives, all worrying about Steve's health and his ability to continue his job (or rather worrying if they should sell the shares they own in the dedicated companies?) When it comes to such a personal point, you might ask why an EU-based website would then publish a news about private life of a US citizen? Well, because, despite not publishing rumors anymore on Apple, we still have contacts with our long time re

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