21.07.2008 09:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

How to Adapt an iPhone 1G dock for the iPhone 3G

Hereafter is a report from Goulwen Hereafter is a procedure to save money and use a device not commercially available yet. I was lucky to get an iPhone 3G 16 GB last Thursday. As I could not find any dock for the iPhone 3G, I took my Dremel and decided to modify the dock shipping with the Bluetooth iPhone headset. Once polished, it looks like brand new and clean, and this is a substantial money saving. :) To reduce the price of the iPhone, Apple has removed the peripheral and devices shipped with the first version of the mobile, as they did it in the past with the iPod. If you purchase the new Bluetooth iPhone headset, which is now cheaper, it does NOT contain the dock anymore. So the "bidouille" from Goulwen is most likely the best way to follow for most of us, to avoid buying a

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