18.07.2008 13:51 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Enderle says iPhone 3G a 'beta' product

 Analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group is a frequent Apple critic, and his comments against the iPhone are perhaps good advice. He's warning business users not to be too quick to adopt the iPhone 3G, warning that any flaws in the product may take time to surface. Oh, but he's always good for a soundbite, check this from VNU: "Apple is one of those companies that could sell refrigerators to Eskimos, but that does not suggest that Eskimos should actually buy them," he said. "The problem is that Apple tends to lead on hype and does a good job controlling initial product reviews." Pretty true, but the business-friendly iPhone offers support for Exchange, Cisco VPN security and GPS - and word is many business users are tempted by the gadget. Caution, advises Enderle, "It would be better for employees and their companies if purchases of the iPhone 3G

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