17.07.2008 14:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A Chips to Control them All

An Israeli Start-Up, Lucid Logic Technologies claims to have designed a chips able to distribute processing load over multi GPU cores in a real-time manner. The company claims that its new parallel graphics technology that will allow PC manufacturers to satisfy constantly growing consumer demand for visual reality. The real-time distributed processing engine, called HYDRA™, offers a groundbreaking approach to scaling 3D graphics performance in a multi-GPU environment. Outlined for the first time on the new Lucid Web site at www.lucidlogix.com, the novel technology is the industry's first to work with any GPU, any CPU or chipset and on any application that gamers and professionals may choose. The HYDRA engine combines a system-on-chip with exclusive software technologies that efficiently load-balances graphics processing tasks, delivering another industry breakthrough: near-linear to above-li

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