17.07.2008 11:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

NVidia Denies Rumors of Faulty GPUs

NVidia replied to question sent by Ars technica and formally denied rumors of mass GPU failures as we previously reported about it. According to their claims, the G84 and G86 chips would not be affected by the weak die/packaging material issue, and the sudden death of notebooks would only happen in certain specific conditions, still to be unveiled. According to NVidia, it is very unlikely that a NVIDA based notebook product will be affected. In this story, and despite Ars Technica point of view, NVidia was not communicating enough to keep customers and IT websites informed about an on-going problem with GPU manufacturing and stability. One should remember that it originally started when NVidia filed a report to the SEC clearly stating that the company will budget 150 million to 200 million US

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