17.07.2008 11:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

iPhone in France: Customers Already Queuing in the Streets

Six days after the other countries, the iPhone is launched in France, and the iPhone-mania will start too. several customers are already queuing in front of the Orange shop located on the Champs Elysées (Thanks to Pierre-Henry for the photo). Let's hope that this shop has more than the average 12 iPhone units available per Orange shop as we have learned It remains unclear if this is due to short supply by Apple, or a clear decision made by Orange to avoid having stocks All Orange shops open their doors at 8h00. FNAC and Darty (main consumer electronics distributors) will also have the iPhone in their respective shops today. At the end of the day, most consumers might not have to chance to get the expected iPhone due to the limited number of units available. It is maybe a way for Apple to push sales via the Apple Store All Orange shops will get from 11 to 16 iPhone units depe

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