17.07.2008 08:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

New hard disks from Toshiba

Source : ToshibaToshiba presented two new ranges of 2.5" hard drives. - The first, proposes disks equipped with platters of 200 GB and spinning at 5400 rpm. The spearhead of this range will be a disk of 400 GB equipped with 8 MB of cache and a thickness of 9,5mm. If this is not a record of capacity, it is for the density of the data. - The second joined the competition of disks spinning at 7200 rpm with a maximum capacity of 320 GB and equipped with 16 MB of cache. According to Toshiba, these disks went through a very thorough optimization in order to push the performances to the maximum. The price of these products is not yet known. They will be available in September. [translation by crispin]

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