17.07.2008 07:06 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Gartner and IDC Numbers out...but what if iPhones were computers...

Gartner and IDC just released their most recent numbers on PC Marketshare and Apple, as expected, climbed up the ranks again.  Depending who you ask they are either slightly ahead or slightly behind the Acer/Gateway/Packard Bell mashup which puts them around tied for third place.  The interesting thing is iPod touches and iPhones aren't counted as computer sales.  Should they be? iPhones have the same specs as laptops had about 5 years ago. They can do most of the things a full computer can They are as functional as UMPCs which are tallied in the total. They are used in much the same way as computers, replacing computers much of the time for people on the move

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