17.07.2008 02:07 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

iPod makes everything better

Apple's apps continue to pour in as they approach a total of 1000.  For common things like crossword puzzles, there are a few choices that range from mediocre to amazing.  In this particular case, the best crossword puzzle is easily 2across by Eliza Block.  Perfectly done.  You can download both paid crossword puzzles like the New York Times or hundreds of quality free puzzles (Village Voice, The Onion?!).  The interface is almost perfect.  You can move smoothly between puzzle, questions and split view.  It even lets you check your answers or cheat.  Of course, we can't vouch for this feature because we haven't needed it :/ Eliza says she has many updates coming down the pipe though it is very hard to

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