16.07.2008 21:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

SCEA CEO Jack Tretton dishes: DRM is in, backwards compatibility is out, and video UMD lives on

Filed under: GamingWe got a chance to sit down with Sony Computer Entertainment of America's CEO Jack Tretton, who gave us the lowdown about a few things we've had on our minds.PS3On backwards compatibility: Jack explained that Sony looked at how to "not take a greater hit on production cost, without losing PlayStation's heritage Hardware / software for backwards compat wasn't all that expensive. but we're selling PS2 software to PS2 customers, and selling PS3 software to PS3 consumers." Still, Jack seems to feel like it may have been the wrong move. "I would like to have had it in there, but Sony's collective strategy determined we could afford to lose it. We've now gone down that road, and we're not going back."On DRM and the video st

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