16.07.2008 08:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Asus unleashes F8Va laptop with HD3650 graphics, reviews and prices roll in

Filed under: Laptops Leave it to Asus to bust out a nice laptop that we can't have -- yet. The new F8Va, released in Korea only for now, packs an Intel Core Duo T9400 at 2.53GHz, 4GB DDR2 800 MHz RAM, a 320GB SATA spinner, ATI Radeon HD3650 GPU, and a 14-inch WXGA screen at 1440 x 900. To top it off, the F8Va includes a Blu-Ray combo drive, 1.3 megapixel camera, and HDMI out. It's hitting Korea in July, but if / when it comes to the US, we're probably looking at a $1299 price based on early reviews. Early test scores came in at 4103 3DMarks, an SM2.0 score of 1349, and a HDR/SM3.0 score of 1819. Drool over the info in the read links if you must.

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