16.07.2008 07:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Radiohead's 'House of Cards' video gets 3D, interactive, and extremely trippy

Filed under: Misc. Gadgets Leave it to Radiohead to do something twisted, innovative, and defiantly futuristic to the art of the music video. Instead of going with underwater singing, fully animated epic, or a mysterious series of "blips," the band decided to forgo the use of cameras altogether for their latest single, House of Cards. Using 3D video acquisition systems from Geometric Informatics, and 64-element, 360-degree LIDAR from Velodyne, the band was able to create a clip that eschews traditional video recording for haunting, complex data visualizations. You can watch the video after the break, or you can get your hands dirty with a real time, interactive version you'll find by following the read link. Either way,

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