16.07.2008 03:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung NV100 and NV9 digicams make the scene

Filed under: Digital CamerasSamsung's been jacking megapixel counts all over the place lately, and the Korean giant's latest digital cameras are no exception -- the new NV100 HD (pictured) packs in a ridiculous 14.7 megapixels, and the new compact NV9 tops at at 10.2 megapixels. That's probably a little ridiculous, but we're not going to argue with progress, and the cameras seem pretty nice: the NV100 HD has a 3-inch touchscreen, a 3.6X Schneider Kreuznac lens, face, smile, and blink detection, 720p video recording and ISO3200 sensitivity, while the NV9 sports old-school analog battery a

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