16.07.2008 00:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony's NWZ-B130F Walkman makes its way to Asia

Filed under: Portable Audio No, it's not all Playstation news for Sony today -- the company also announced the new NWZ-B130F Walkman, a slender little stick of a player available in several colors. The latest entry in the B series of Walkmans sports a 3-line LCD, MP3 and PlaysForSure WMA support, 90 minutes of playback on a 3-minute charge, an FM tuner, and voice recorder in both 1GB and 2GB capacities. We're hearing pricing will come at least $20 below that of the iPod Shuffle, but it's a little moot -- it's scheduled for an Asia-only arrival in August at the moment.[Via

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