15.07.2008 15:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Nehalem to Be Compatible with NVidia SLI!?

Source : Hardware.frIf the SLI has been for a long time restricted to hardcore gamers, the availability of CUDA has changed the environment, and SLI could become a way to increase GPU performance without offering faster GPUs. It seems that NVidia could accept to license its SLI technology to third-party, and not restrict it only to AMD processor-dedicated motherboards, but open it to Nehalem-compatible motherboards. However, it will of course not be easy. To have the SLI functional on a non-NVidia branded motherboard, one will need an extra chips on the board. In addition to the R&D costs linked to its integration, this chips will be priced 30 USD. So for the time being, NVidia decided to lock the SLI via a hardware protection, instead of licensing the technology to third parties at the firmware level which could have been simpler to implement in existing and future chipsets. But things might also change till the end of the

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