15.07.2008 09:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Plex to Team Up with CenterStage

You probably remember about CenterStage as we previously talked about it on hardmac. This has been often defined as The interface that the AppleTV forgot and the community waited and wanted it to be brought to life. To speed up the development of the Mac Media Center application, the CenterStage group and Plex (formally OSXBMC) have joind forces. If you want to enjoy the demo of the CenterStage GUI, visit the following page: http://centerstageproject.com/the-future.php A fresh update is although provided regarding the near future time-line for CenterStage development: There will be a lot of changes in the coming weeks as we reposition ourselves and the goals of this project. The CenterStage group will now be concentrating on frontend UI development and the Plex group will be taking care of backend development. In the future a full blown merger may take place, both groups will come tog

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