14.07.2008 19:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Engadget & Joystiq live from Microsoft's E3 2008 keynote

Filed under: Gaming var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/xbox/Engadget_Joystiq_live_from_Microsoft_s_E3_2008_keynote'; We're here! The line is already mad long, but we must admit, it feels great to have E3 back at the convention center.9:47 am PT: Alright! We're waiting in line for the MS press conference! We're feigning excitement through gratuitous use of exclamation points!9:49 am PT: An MS representative asks us if we have our "passports." We assume she means our press badges and isn't about to whisk us to another country. Mind you, we've always wanted to s

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