12.07.2008 08:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

The 3G iPhones from Belgium work in France

Just because Orange decided to push back the release of the 3G iPhone in France are we going to leave you without information on this device. We decided to find one of them elsewhere. New Zealand is a little far, however Belgium is very close. Moreover, the law oblige them to sell the iPhone without subscription and desimlocked. Thus equipped with a 16 GB white iPhone, we installed a SFR chip, and launched the activation through iTunes. AndÂ…. voilĂ . All passed without problem and the iPhone functions marvellously. We will return later during the day to comment on the iPhone itself to give us some time to test it. PS: Firmware 2.0 makes it possible to make a screen capture by simultaneously pressing the top button and the central button. They are then stored in the photo album of the telephone. [translation by crispin]

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