11.07.2008 16:37 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Best of the worst: the App Store's hits and misses

Filed under: Cellphones We want to love you, iPhone apps -- we really, really do. Unfortunately for us, a lot of you are sucking pretty hard right now. Between the sluggish behavior, poorly implemented UIs / features, and lack of necessary services well, let's just say it isn't pretty. Still, we can't say how much trouble is caused by the new firmware, and there are a few really bright beacons of light out there (we're hoping their numbers grow). We didn't try all 500+ applications (fitness? puhlease), but we did handle quite a few, and we've rounded up the best and worst that we've seen so far for your viewing pleasure. We'd love to hear from you too -- what apps are you loving or hating right now?

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