11.07.2008 10:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Seagate Unveiled new HDs and Relaunches the Race for the Biggest 3.5

Over the last few months, all traditional HD manufacturers decided to have a break in their race for the 3.5" HD with the largest storage space, and all current offers were topping at 1 TB while they all have the tools to go beyond. One can think that due to the low demand for such large capacity HD, they could then reduce production cost and prepare the next wave of new products. Seagate just announced the future availability of a 3.5" HD featuring 1.5 TB of storage space. The Barracuda 7200.11 will be based on 4 disks of 375 GB each, allowing data transfer speed of 120 MB/s in reading/writing mode. This announcement came 24 hours after Hitachi unveiling its 1 TB based on 3 disks of 375 GB each to reduce power consumption. In addition, Seagate is introducing 2 new 2.5" HD dedicated to notebook, Momentus 5400.6 and Momentus 7200.4, both featuring PMR and tar

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