10.07.2008 22:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Firmware 2.0 : First Steps

Tested as soon it was released, the firmware 2.0 was installed successfully on an Orange iPhone. The update was performed without problem as well as activation and transfer of original parameters and preferences. The AppStore is fully functional, but we did not try it yet. It is perfectly integrated in the iPhone GUI, making it easy and very user friendly, once more Apple released a perfect user-experience. The free application "Remote" transforming your iPhone or iPod Touch into an Apple Remote will most likely be a hit. LAst but not least, if you own a jail-breaked iPhone v1.0, or any SIM-unlocked iPhone, do not perform the firmware update immediately, wait couple of days for having some feedbacks from the web, we will provide them as soon as they become available. [translation by Linathael]

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