10.07.2008 16:53 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

The world's first iPhone 3G purchaser as device on sale in NZ

 You are staring at iPhone Jonny - he’s the first person in the world to buy an iPhone (we think), and was photographed queuing outside his local Vodafone store yesterday - thanks EnGadget (maybe you'll link back to us one day, hey?) - waiting at the head of the queue to pick up his iPhone. Now he has. Yes, you heard us right - the iPhone 3G went on sale today, but in fact it is tomorrow it goes on sale - except in New Zealand, where it’s tomorrow already! Sometimes time zones are kind of exciting. Parts of Australia will now be getting the iPhone 3G as they have a few hours difference to New Zealand. And then it invades the rest of the world as the dawn of the new day breaks. So, Jonny has his iPhone 3G - congratulations, Jonny, drop us a line if you come a

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