10.07.2008 15:22 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

RIM 'struggling' with Thunder touch controls

 Apple may have a huge big massive hit on its hands in the form of the iPhone - but Research In Motion's fight back plan may be falling apart, an analyst said this morning. Nomura analyst Richard Windsor has warned clients that Research In Motion is struggling to develop the touch interface for use within its forthcoming 'iPhone killer', the BlackBerry Thunder. The analyst says the implementation even lags behind Nokia (who we think themselves are trailing Apple on touch controls). "Those who have handled prototypes complain of poor typing, unresponsive keys, bugs in the user interface cause by touch as well as accelerometer issues," Windsor said, as reported by MarketWatch. The analyst also warned Nokia's future touch-controlled Tube just won't have the edge and usability of a

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