10.07.2008 11:21 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Dreamworks to Adopt Intel hardware

Animation movies are a business where requirements for powerful computer resources are huge, and remain a key factor. Dreamworks just announced that it will shift from AMD-based hardware to Intel models. According to sources, Larrabee might have been the decision-making factor. This future system for video display and 3D rendering looks very promising. However when looking at the specs, Larrabee is a (big) evolution of the original Pentium CPU, adapted to 64-bits instruction with its MMX core revisited towards a more modern and effective SSE version. Last but not least, while being originally engraved at 600 nm and clocked at couple of hundreds MHz, the CPU which will be the core of Larrabee will be obtained from 45-nm process and clocked at 2 GHz. [translation by Linathael]

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