10.07.2008 04:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Elonex unveils £129 One T netbook

Filed under: Laptops The first Elonex One was an oddly-configured little beast, with the guts of the machine tucked behind the display for an unwieldy, top-heavy look that was only acceptable given the £100 ($199) pricetag and pseudo-tablet functionality it offered. That doesn't mean Elonex isn't after the rest of the netbook market, though -- it's just introduced the Elonex One T, which has a much more traditional form-factor and comes in a variety of colors, but retains the bargain basement price of £129 ($255). Of course, that means you're getting an unspecified 400MHz processor and a 7-inch, 800 x

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