09.07.2008 23:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Eee PC 901, 904, and 1000 get UK pricing

Filed under: Laptops We still think ASUS should cut the number of available Eee laptops down to something a little more reasonable, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon -- the company just made with UK pricing on the 901, 904, and 1000. The Atom-based 901 will come in at £299 ($592), while the slower 904 (which is essentially a 900 in the 1000's body) will set you back £269 ($533). The Atom-based 10-inch 1000 itself will run £349 ($691) for an 80GB hard drive version or £369 ($731) for a 40GB SSD edition.

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