09.07.2008 23:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A major fault with the DNS servers has been plugged

Source : http://securosis.comWe have learned today that a very serious fault concerning the DNS have been plugged. The DNS (Domain Name System) are servers charged to create pointers to the Internet address of the server hosting the site in question. They remove the obligation from you to type the IP address if you want, for example, to reach the site www.hardmac.com. To return to the fault, it would have been possible for a hacker to reach the cache of the servers and thus to modify the pointers associated with each address. If it had been exploited, which was not the case, one could have had perfect phishing, since nothing would have shown that you had, for example, reached a false version of the site of your bank and subsequently provided identifier and password. All providers of these DNS servers have worked together, in secret, and have all issued fixes for this major fault simultaneously today.

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