09.07.2008 15:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Algiz 10 rugged tablet: sleek but tough

Filed under: Tablet PCs Rugged and industrial applications are one market where tablet PCs have really done fairly well, but they've always looked pretty chunky, which is why we're somewhat impressed with Handheld US's latest entry, the Algiz 10. The 10.4-inch tablet manages to meet the tough MIL-STD-810F military standards for shock, vibration, and moisture and can operate in temps from -4 to 140 Fahrenheit in a housing that's not entirely ugly, and still pack in a ULV 1.2GHz Core Duo, 80GB drive, 2GB of RAM, WiFi, Bluetooth, an EDGE / GPRS radio and a beefy nine-cell 7800mAh

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