09.07.2008 06:51 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

3G iPhone reviewed, nothing learned

NYTimes (Pogue), WSJ (Mossberg) and USAToday (Baig)  all got their mitts on the 3G iPhone.   Amazingly, not one of them had anything original to say.  Nothing you couldn't make up by looking at the specs or images of the iPhone. Bottom line: If you’ve been waiting to buy an iPhone until it dropped in price, or ran on faster cell networks, you might want to take the plunge, if you can live with the higher service costs and the weaker battery life. Baig's insights: Doesn't work with Firewire docs.  Audio Quality better for calls and songs through speaker.  Geotagging pictures is gool.  GPS functionality works better - but could have driving instructions.  B

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