07.07.2008 14:42 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

DRM warfare: iTunes UK faces Amazon, 7digital

 Apple's iTunes service may face a double-pronged competitor in the UK market by the end of summer, as more major labels reportedly prepare to offer their music DRM-free here. The UK's second-largest online music service 7 Digital today announced that sales through its online store had climbed 300 per cent since the introduction of DRM-free downloads from Warner Music through its UK service. "It is now clear that MP3 downloads represent the future for digital music.  With two of the four major labels now supporting MP3 in the UK, we expect to see the whole market supporting MP3 in the not-too-distant future," said 7digital CEO Ben Drury. Industry insiders expect Sony BMG and Universal to release their DRM-free MP3 catalogues "imminently" in the UK, according to

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