07.07.2008 09:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Comparing Leopard and Snow Leopard

The website mac-zone.nl run a test aiming to compare Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.4 and the Snow Leopard version distributed during the WWDC using GeekBench as a benchmarking tool. The test was performed on a MacBook Pro, and did not unveil any performance gain when running 32-bits applications, and only marginal improvement with 64-bits applications. This is not surprising, as Snow Leopard is far from being “gold” or finalized, and optimization are for sure not there yet. One will have to wait for additional months before having the first real view of a true Snow Leopard, and one should not forget that most changes are “inside”, in deep layers of the code and OS organization, preparing our favorite system for the multicore (CPU/GPU) revolution to come in the coming years. [translation by Linathael]

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