07.07.2008 07:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Tesla Roadster takes 30 hours to charge from a standard wall socket

Filed under: TransportationIf you've got the coin to roll deep enough to own a Tesla Roadster, we'd imagine that making sure the car gets its 8 hour charge from a 220v / 80A circuit (like what powers your washing machine) won't be a huge issue. But if not, think twice about your driving schedule with the all-electric sports car, because while you can technically power a Roadster from any standard wall outlet, the amount of draw a standard 110v / 15A plug delivers would mean a 30 hour wait to juice up your vehicle's thousand pound battery pack. Thankfully, Tesla owners have time to think over how to deal with these kinds of details, being that none of the customers who've pre-ordere

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