05.07.2008 08:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Hitachi will bring out 5 TB disks by 2010

Source : Electronista Hitachi announces that by 2010 its hard drives will reach the density of 1 terabit per inch, and will offer 3.5" products of 5 TB. To illustrate these remarks, Hitachi announces that a computer equipped with 2 of these disks would have the same memory size as a human brain, a thing impossible to check. More than ever, one should wonder what use could be made such products, at least for the general public and the vast majority of the professionals. Also let us hope that the data flow of these disks also make a real good advance, if not it will take an unacceptable amount of time to fill them or copy the contents of it. [translation by crispin]

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