05.07.2008 07:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A big edititing group changes to the Mac

Source : Heise.deIf Apple needed a very strong sign to show the world that Mac has returned to business use, it has just been offered to them by Axel Springer DG of one of the largest editors of the European press, based in Germany. The group announced that it was going to acquire Macs to replace its of its PCs used by its 10.000 employees. The reasons given by their DG in a Youtube video must give to pleasure the people running Apple: - the Mac is simpler to use - the Mac is more elegant - the Mac is less expensive to buy and especially to maintain. The changeover should be done gradually over 5 years. Of course, it is also a large defeat for Windows Vista, the transition towards this latest version is not simpler than a complete change of computing environment. [translation by

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