03.07.2008 17:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Multiprocesseurs: Intel puts the pressure on the developers

Source : Ars Technica Manufacturers of processors have arrived at the end of the race concerning frequency; therefore they have decided that the new growth of the power will be done on the number of cores. In order not to disturb the Moore's law, the number of cores must double every 18 months. But without adapting the software, these cores will not be used for anything other than to consume energy. The true challenge is thus at the level of software development, and Intel has just given the tone in one of its Blogs, the standard way of communicating delicate information officially. In this blog, one can read that the developers will not be supposed to learn how to optimize their software for 2,4 8 or 16 coress, but in the nea

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