03.07.2008 09:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Video: ASUS' rugged B51E -- tougher than a hipster yuppie

Filed under: Laptops Check it L.E.S hipsters, a laptop that can withstand the stresses of sporting an ironic mustache and deep v-neck Tee around town. The magnesium alloy B51E features ruggedized touches like rubber (baby) bumpers along the edges and a protective film to ward off scratches on the chassis and display. It also features a keyboard with integrated drainage path and hard drive "floated on a sponge protection system" capable of withstanding mojito spills of up to 120 cc / 4 ounces and tabletop drops from 75 cm / 2.5 feet. Oddly, the screen dimensions are not mentioned though the laptop is 14.37-inch wide and tops-out with a Core 2 Duo T8300 proc, up to 4GB of memory, Intel GMA X3100 graphics, up to 320GB disk, and integrated 1.3 megapixel webcam. Now lean in and s

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