03.07.2008 06:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Linksys announces WRT610N simultaneous dual-N band router

Filed under: Wireless, Networking Linksys, er, sorry, that's Linksys by Cisco, is announcing the WRT610N this morning, a new simultaneous dual-N band router that enables it to use 802.11n WiFi on both 5 and 2.4GHz at the same time. This means, of course, that your higher throughput, shorter-distance devices can get the highest-speed 802.11n access at the same time as the rest of your devices can get the usual, more compatible 2.4GHz access they look for. It's on sale now for $200.Gallery: Linksys announces WRT610N simultaneous dual-N band router

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