24.06.2008 13:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Toshiba to Add Cell CPU in Notebooks

Couple of days ago, we were reporting about Cell-based accelerating card designed by Toshiba to boost HD video transcoding, Featuring only 4 active SPE units (compared to 8 for the PS3), 128 MB XDR DRAM memory (compared to 256 MB for the PS3), and clocked at 1.5 GHz, it is sitting on a PCI 1x card. Toshiba decided to install such chips in notebooks in order to accelerate multimedia tasks. The overall architecture of the computer will remain the same, Core 2 Duo and a dedicated GPU, but when decoding or encoding HD video, the system will make use of the SpursEngine (the name of the Cell-based chips). Of course such product is now competing with the classical graphic cards which are now starting to be used for other function than boosting graphical display and 3D rendering soon our computers will include plenty to processors, doing other things than what they are supposed to do, or were originally desi

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