It could be the first signs of new product annoucements at teh WWDC, Apple has released numerous updates during the night. Beside the security update and the iPhone SDK, herefater are some additional ones:
Server Admin Tools 10.5.3
The Server Administration Software installer package contains tools for remote server administration. These applications require Mac OS X version 10.5 or later. If you received this administration tools disc with an Xserve, the Apple Xserve Diagnostics software is also available for diagnosing certain Xserve hardware issues.
Logic Express Update 8.0.2
Logic Pro 8.0.2 addresses specific customer and compatibility issues of Logic Express 8.0.
This update is recommended for all Logic Express 8.0 users.
Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 2.1
Apple released an update aiming to improve digital camera RAW compatibility with Aperture 2 and iPhoto '08, as w