22.11.2024 18:54 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Overwatch’s new hero is Hazard, the spiky Scotsman you’ve been waiting for

Overwatch 2’s newest hero is a tank with surprising mobility and brutal diving and brawling tactics. Hazard has a punk-rock aesthetic, Scottish brogue and a shotgun that can blast your vulnerable backline heroes to smithereens. But don’t be put off by his tough exterior: This anti-establishment rapscallion has a steadfast belief in bodily autonomy and a love of cute puppies. Playable during a limited-time trial, Hazard was initially conceived as a daunting cyberpunk villain called Spiker. But after Blizzard’s designers showcased their hulking scoundrel to the development team, it became clear he was destined to evolve into a charming rebel with a protector instinct. Blizzard describes Hazard’s gameplay as a “momentum-based blend between dive and brawl playstyles that will leave opponents running for cover.” His two standout abilities are Jagged Wall (a “spiky wall of Vanadium that will stick to any surface”) and Violent Leap (a “medium ranged, two-stage mo

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