18.10.2024 01:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

X updates its privacy policy to allow third parties to train AI models with its data

X is updating its privacy policy with new language that allows it to provide users’ data to third-party “collaborators” in order to train AI models. The new policy, which takes effect November 15, 2024, would seem to open the door to Reddit-like arrangements in which outside companies can pay to license data from X. The updated policy shared by X includes a new section titled “third-party collaborators.” Depending on your settings, or if you decide to share your data, we may share or disclose your information with third parties. If you do not opt out, in some instances the recipients of the information may use it for their own independent purposes in addition to those stated in X’s Privacy Policy, including, for example, to train their artificial intelligence models, whether generative or otherwise. While the policy mentions the ability to opt out, it’s not clear how users would actually do so. As TechCrunch notes, the policy points to users’ settings menu, but

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