16.10.2024 00:27 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Google Shopping Revamped With AI Integration and Personalized Suggestions

Google today announced a new Google Shopping experience that has been updated to take advantage of artificial intelligence. Google Shopping has been rebuilt from the ground up with AI, pairing 45 billion product listings with Google Gemini AI models to provide a more personalized shopping experience. The overhauled Google Shopping feature uses AI to show the most relevant products when someone searches for something to buy. Google will provide an AI-generated brief with top suggestions to consider when making a purchase, along with some recommendations. Results will be organized into categories to provide an overview of different types of products, and there are dynamic filters that will let users narrow down results based on their preferences. Google has also added in the virtual try-on option and AR shopping tools, along with a "Deals" section for browsing personalized deals. There is a new Google Shopping home page that has a personalized feed populated with suggestions based on user preference

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