12.10.2024 19:54 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The fluffiest robot of CES 2021 is back thanks to Casio

If you watched that Star Trek episode about the tribbles and thought, I need one of those in my life (minus the rapid reproduction problem), Casio’s got just the thing for you. The company is now taking pre-orders in Japan for Moflin, the adorable robotic plushie with AI “emotional capabilities” that debuted during CES 2021. Moflin, developed in a partnership with the Japanese startup Vanguard Industries, is meant to work like an emotional support pet — snuggling is its specialty, and the creators say each robot has its own distinct personality, can shift moods depending on the situation and will form attachments to people over time. It’s available in gray and blonde for a hefty ¥59,400 (roughly $400), and is expected to ship on November 7. There’s no word on a release outside of Japan. Moflin doesn’t just respond to cuddles. You’re supposed to talk to it, too, and it’ll react with movements and cute sounds. It’s Bluetooth capable so it can c

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