11.10.2024 20:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Hackers are making robot vacuums randomly yell racial slurs

Robot vacuums across the country were hacked in the space of several days, according to reporting by ABC News. This allowed the attackers to not only control the robovacs, but use their speakers to hurl racial slurs and abusive comments at anyone nearby. All of the affected robots were of the same make and model, the Chinese-made Ecovacs Deebot X2s. This particular robovac has developed a reputation for being easy to hack, thanks to a critical security flaw. ABC News, for instance, was able to get full control over one of the robots, including the camera. One victim of this week’s hacks was a Minnesota lawyer named Daniel Swenson. He told ABC that he was watching TV when the robot started making weird noises, like “a broken-up radio signal or something.” Through the app, Swenson could tell that a stranger was accessing the live camera feed and the remote control feature. He reset the password and rebooted the vacuum, but that’s when the weirdness really started. It immediately started

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