09.10.2024 14:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

I’m so glad Slow Horses is a hit

The sixth and final episode of Slow Horses’ fourth season lands on Apple TV+ today, giving me a flimsy excuse to urge you all to watch. It’s a pulpy, fun and gripping British spy thriller that has finally started to garner some deserved attention. At six episodes a run, it’s respectful of your time in a way plenty of other streaming series aren’t. And while it’s unafraid of showing you the brutal side of espionage, you can revel in its gloriously deathly sense of humor. Slow Horses focuses on Slough House, a department inside Britain’s security service where agents are dumped. MI5 officers who can’t be trusted with real work, or angered their superiors, are dumped in the administrative purgatory. Since you can’t hand a spy a pink slip and send them on their way, they’re parked at Slough House until they retire, or quit. The show stars Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb, the antithesis of anyone’s imagined vision of a real spy. Lamb is perpetually drunk, obs

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