07.10.2024 01:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Off-Planet Dreams is a delightfully tricky Playdate platformer with invisible puzzles

Off-Planet Dreams gives you everything you need to succeed, if you really want that. Help is just a few button-presses away at (almost) all times. Because of that, it feels uniquely accessible for what it is — an “invisible puzzle platformer” designed to trip you up over and over again until you’ve learned enough from your mistakes to move forward. Depending on how you approach it, Off-Planet Dreams is either a trial-and-error nightmare loop or a relatively easygoing platform adventure. Or something between the two. I died 274 times in my first playthrough, if that’s any indication of how challenging it can be. Off-Planet Dreams presents you (playing as a blob) with a grid and some floating doors, and says, essentially, ‘okay, now find your way out.’ There are platforms that form a path to each door, but all the platforms are invisible. This is where the game’s “difficulty is what you make of it” ethos comes in. You can commit to jumping into th

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