02.10.2024 18:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Google is making Gmail summaries more useful and adding a ‘Happening Soon’ tab

Google is expanding Gmail’s summary cards, the service’s AI-driven contextual snippets extracted for things like incoming packages. Starting today, they’ll include cards for purchases, events, bills and travel. In addition, a new Happening Soon section will live at the top of your inbox, showing upcoming time-sensitive cards. The company says it’s making the changes because “email habits have continued to evolve.” The new Happening Soon section will deliver “timely” summary cards at the top of your inbox. For example, when you open Gmail, you might see a card showing that an order you placed last week is out for delivery today. Google says all its summary cards are dynamic and updated in real time. Gmail’s Happening Soon section will remind you about time-sensitive cards.Google Where appropriate, summary cards will also include action buttons. Google describes action buttons’ appeal as “no more digging for buried links.” Purchase summary

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