02.10.2024 00:00 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Threads will show how many followers you have in the fediverse

Meta has been steadily improving Threads’ compatibility with the fediverse over the last year. Now, the company is taking another significant step with an update that allows users to see more details about their followers and interactions with people from other servers across the fediverse. Up to now, Threads has surfaced replies from Mastodon and other servers, and has alerted users to likes on their posts from other fediverse apps. But there was no way for a Threads user to see details about their followers from those services. That’s now changing, Adam Mosseri explained in a post. With the update, anyone who has opted-in to fediverse sharing on Threads will be able to see a detailed list of their followers from other servers and view their profiles. This will give people on Threads a better sense of their reach and audience on Mastodon and other apps. Threads’ fediverse support is still somewhat limited overall. Users still can’t reply to replies that originate on apps outside of Th

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