18.07.2024 17:09 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Watch Never-Before-Seen Footage of Steve Jobs Discussing the Future of Computers in 1983

The Steve Jobs Archive today shared never-before-seen footage of 28-year-old Steve Jobs speaking at the 1983 International Design Conference in Aspen, Colorado. In the video, he discusses the future of computers and how they would change daily life. The Steve Jobs Archive was launched in 2022 by Laurene Powell Jobs, Tim Cook, and Jony Ive. The website features a collection of quotes, photos, videos, and emails from Jobs, and offers fellowships to young creators looking to follow in his footsteps. The new page features an introduction from Ive, who led design at Apple for over two decades and was a close friend of Jobs:Steve rarely attended design conferences. This was 1983, before the launch of the Mac, and still relatively early days of Apple. I find it breathtaking how profound his understanding was of the dramatic changes that were about to happen as the computer became broadly accessible. Of course, beyond just being prophetic, he was fundamental in defining products that would change our culture

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